PFK supports Birmingham hospitals during coronavirus
Earlier this year we had to make the difficult, but ultimately, the right decision to postpone the BRENDAs for 2020 in light of COVID-19. Since its launch in 2006, the BRENDAs is the most well supported and most ‘looked forward to’ event in the City of Birmingham and raises significant funds on the day for distribution to our charities.
Naturally, we were disappointed to postpone the BRENDAs but with the free space in our diaries, it wasn’t long before our charitable ‘itch’ started to kick in. As we looked into other ways to offer our support to the local area, Property for Kids committee member, Dan Gallagher, suggested that we look at ways to support our fantastic NHS.
Dan has seen the direct impact COVID-19 has had on the NHS and the strain it has caused on vital services, as his wife Emma is head of the Respiratory Ward at a Birmingham-based hospital. Emma, her team, and thousands more like them have been working around the clock to provide care for those who need it.
At a time when the NHS and its staff were feeling the strain as a result of COVID-19, it was clear what we needed to do, and so, our Appeal for Birmingham Hospitals was created.
Tim Blair’s road to ‘no hair’
To help support our fundraiser further, Property for Kids supporter, Tim Blairs, stepped up to the mark to provide us all with the entertainment we needed to brighten up our isolation blues whilst raising valuable money for a worthy cause.
A huge thank you to Tim for being such a good sport and braving the shave in the name of charity. We think you will agree that his efforts went above and beyond.
How was the money used to support the NHS?
We teamed up with University Hospitals Birmingham Charity to identify the best way of offering support to NHS staff in our region. All of the money raised has been used for supplies to support the health and wellbeing of the magnificent NHS staff working on the frontline in our region’s hospitals.
We have donated a consignment of tablets, along with Microsoft UK, to allow ITU and terminally ill patients to communicate with their families in these most difficult, distressing times.
‘Comfort packs’ containing items such as tea, coffee, hand cream, shampoo were also donated and will make a huge difference to the health and wellbeing of NHS staff at this time. Good, quality meals were also provided. We also want to fund recliner chairs for staff rooms, microwaves, kettles and other essential items, none of which are provided through core NHS funding.
Thank you to everyone who supported our appeal to help our brilliant NHS and its hardworking staff during this exceptionally difficult time. We look forward to celebrating with you once it is safe to do so.
Donations can always be made via our website. 100% of donations are used to support local charities. All of the charities we have helped can be found here.